However I still have no idea how to extract the audio from Freedom Finger as there are no Audio clips in the Data folder and the files for the audio seem to be some kind of WWise thing as Actor Mixer Hierarchy is mentioned in some of the Text files in the audio folder and the files in the folder are bnk and wem files. Bank files that had the audio stuff instead of anything involving Asset studio. Though of the games I tried, the Quest game Sam and Max: This Time it's Virtual needed to be moved from the Quest to PC and to be extracted from the Obb file like most if not all Quest games but also have it's Unit圓d file unpacked and all the resulting files put in the data folder Before extracting all audio clips via assetstudio. River City Girls , MLF, and Traffic Jams needed a special quickbms script to extract some.

Unity Game Engine, the CExtracting and editing code C and UnityScript files are compiled into. took me a while to realize most of the time the music files are labeled under type of Audio Clip. Find this utility tool & more on the Unity Asset Store.

Here's a Unity game ripping tutorial for more info on how to rip from Unity games: I use it to rip from Unity games all the time. If you dont have chrome, firefox might have similar tools.Or just get a portable chromium version.Get 7z from.