Ultra: Use this mode in all other gaming situations.This mode limits queuing to a single frame. On: Try this option if the ultra-low latency mode causes your game to stutter.After turning it off, the game’s engine will queue around one to three frames for maximum render. Off: Use this option if the low latency mode isn’t working for you.The drop-down menu next to the low latency option will display three choices.

Once the Apply button disappears, the low latency mode is activated, and you can start gaming.

These games decide when to queue frames on their own, making the low latency mode ineffective. You play Vulkan games or games running DirectX 12.Unfortunately, there are instances where the NVIDIA low latency mode will do more harm than good. You’ll quickly see for yourself if this mode helps your configuration. The best course of action is to enable this mode on your system and test your favorite games. However, it will only work if your game runs DirectX 9 or 11. You can enable the low latency mode for all NVIDIA GeForce GPUs. Low latency is most impactful with GPU-bound games using frame rates from 60 to 100 FPS. As a result, your gameplay will be much smoother, making gaming more enjoyable.